Archive for July, 2012
DC Cops
by PGP_Protector on Jul.26, 2012, under Rants
I’m often reading Carlos Miller’s blog and how Police seem to hate being photographed.
Well it appears as though some of them also don’t know how to read or understand police memos.
Just days after releasing the policy that Police can’t take your cell phone / camera because you photographed them. This officer decided that the rules just Don’t apply to them. Not that they can afford it, but I hope they get sued again for Millions.
Real Names
by PGP_Protector on Jul.26, 2012, under Rants
First it was Google+ Now it Youtube, next ?
I’m sorry, but I do like a bit of anonymity on the internet. Given how easy it is to look up & find someone by their common name, I really don’t like having to give it out. Yes My Real Name is common, but my wifes? my Kids ? Are their names also common ? Why should they also have to post their real name to use Google+ or Youtube?
What’s next clubpenguin requiring your childs real name be used for their character, yea that will be really protective of them. I’m not sorry I don’t like using my real name. If you know PGP_Protector as a jerk, then you know to ignore them just as easily you can ignore John Doe. or bigguy473723.
If you need a real name behind an account, yea I don’t mind that, but people shouldn’t be required to show it at all times. Heck even a lot of our actors, authors, ect go by pseudonyms. We’ve survived for ages with that.