

Well that was fun

by on Mar.23, 2012, under Rants

Dreamhost, it might be time for me and you to go our separate ways.  I’ve been with you for about 5 years, after my last host decided they wanted to create custom 404 pages that gave them ads & money.  I’ve been mostly happy with you during these last 5 years, but so far 2012 hasn’t been a good year for you.  Maybe it just end of the world jitters in your servers or something, but this last outage of 4+ hours just isn’t cool.   I’m running other sites, and some of them were for small businesses. They had just sent out a bunch of fliers to try to generate new business.   And their site was also down during this time.

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Internet Privacy

by on Mar.18, 2012, under Rants

I’ve been reading on multiple Blogs, forums, ect about “Internet Privacy”. (It Doesn’t exist)
On some forums, users are upset that their post are being copied without their permission(forgetting that Google & other spiders are crawling the sites and copying data all the time).  They’re upset that people may not agree with what they say, and then proceed to disassemble / pick apart what they posted.

Well guess what.  The only way you can prevent anyone from picking apart what you say is to Not say anything, anywhere.
If you post it online, someone can read it and copy it.
If you say it in a Public place someone can Record it.
If you say it just between your  friends, they still can talk about it when you’re not around.
If you say it to only your spouse, they still can talk about it when you’re not around with their friends.

If you don’t want anyone holding you accountable for what you say, Don’t say anything where anyone can Read, Hear, See it.  Any violation of this advice means that Someone somewhere can talk about it.  And when they do Deal with it as an Adult.

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